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8.2 Group Member Routines

Return the number of member HDUs in a grouping table gfptr. The number member HDUs is just the NAXIS2 value (number of rows) of the grouping table.  
  int fits_get_num_members / ffgtnm
      (fitsfile *gfptr, > long *nmembers, int *status)
Return the number of groups to which the HDU pointed to by mfptr is linked, as defined by the number of GRPIDn/GRPLCn keyword records that appear in its header. Note that each time this function is called, the indices of the GRPIDn/GRPLCn keywords are checked to make sure they are continuous (ie no gaps) and are re-enumerated to eliminate gaps if found.  
  int fits_get_num_groups / ffgmng
      (fitsfile *mfptr, > long *nmembers, int *status)
Open a member of the grouping table pointed to by gfptr. The member to open is identified by its row number within the grouping table as given by the parameter 'member' (first member == 1) . A fitsfile pointer to the opened member HDU is returned as mfptr. Note that if the member HDU resides in a FITS file different from the grouping table HDU then the member file is first opened readwrite and, failing this, opened readonly.  
  int fits_open_member / ffgmop
      (fitsfile *gfptr, long member, > fitsfile **mfptr, int *status)
Copy (append) a member HDU of the grouping table pointed to by gfptr. The member HDU is identified by its row number within the grouping table as given by the parameter 'member' (first member == 1). The copy of the group member HDU will be appended to the FITS file pointed to by mfptr, and upon return mfptr shall point to the copied member HDU. The cpopt parameter may take on the following values: OPT_MCP_ADD which adds a new entry in gfptr for the copied member HDU, OPT_MCP_NADD which does not add an entry in gfptr for the copied member, and OPT_MCP_REPL which replaces the original member entry with the copied member entry.  
  int fits_copy_member / ffgmcp
      (fitsfile *gfptr, fitsfile *mfptr, long member, int cpopt, > int *status)
Transfer a group member HDU from the grouping table pointed to by infptr to the grouping table pointed to by outfptr. The member HDU to transfer is identified by its row number within infptr as specified by the parameter 'member' (first member == 1). If tfopt == OPT_MCP_ADD then the member HDU is made a member of outfptr and remains a member of infptr. If tfopt == OPT_MCP_MOV then the member HDU is deleted from infptr after the transfer to outfptr.  
  int fits_transfer_member / ffgmtf
      (fitsfile *infptr, fitsfile *outfptr, long member, int tfopt,
       > int *status)
Remove a member HDU from the grouping table pointed to by gfptr. The member HDU to be deleted is identified by its row number in the grouping table as specified by the parameter 'member' (first member == 1). The rmopt parameter may take on the following values: OPT_RM_ENTRY which removes the member HDU entry from the grouping table and updates the member's GRPIDn/GRPLCn keywords, and OPT_RM_MBR which removes the member HDU entry from the grouping table and deletes the member HDU itself.  
  int fits_remove_member / ffgmrm
      (fitsfile *fptr, long member, int rmopt, > int *status)

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